All commentary herein is intended as satire; there is no intent to imply sexual orientation or association of persons and or organizations mentioned and none should be inferred; errors and or omissions of factual information are unintentional; contains coarse language, you must be over the age of 18 to view site. |
Radicals Untie sarcastic satire
by Myron Litwak It is a well known fact that throughout history those radicals who have led the battle cry for change have always been rather well-off upper middle class educated intellectuals. The poor and oppressed, engaged in the daily struggle to survive, have never had time for such leisure activities. Whenever revolution has come, the genuine poor have always been the first to immediately suffer horribly, in fleeing the battle zones, from starvation and death in the violent crossfire between armed idealists and demagogues. The idea that all oppressed peoples must be included in the revolution to come, I infer to mean those that our establishment calls terrorists (although that was never actually said). The implication, on the panel, was that the glbt radical movement was born out of the Stonewall Riot and other active non-passive elements of the past protest movements. And that therefore implies that there is an equivalence with current oppressed people’s uprisings with whom our intellectual panelists would have solidarity. The fact is that the Stonewall Riot and other such events were all totally non-violent acts of Civil Disobedience. There is absolutely no equivalence between those who burn a trash can or break a window and those who send their own children to blow up bombs to kill people in cafes, busses, airplanes, and tall buildings. If these idealists can’t see the difference then their delusions are as damned to horror as the corrupt totalitarian Soviet system was. Poor oppressed people do not need deadly revolution; they need food, education, safe places to live, and the right to decent medical care services in an environment where they can attain skills and the means to a peaceful life. A great deal of progress towards those goals has been achieved by dedicated leftists who have now created huge organizations serving and educating the poor and oppressed with funds negotiated from established civilization. I fail to see the purpose to abandoning all that for the sake of idealized ideological struggle. I fear that were these dedicated idealists ever to win their revolution nothing would change except that the roles of the oppressors and the oppressed would be reversed. Their friends would be freed and their enemies would be imprisoned. My protest history began at the age of 13 in 1960 when I, as a little middle class white boy, marched with the NAACP. I was bloodied by rocks thrown at my head by racist adults who were enraged by my participation. I later worked for women’s rights, gay rights, AIDS funding, and now transgender rights, among others, in a lifetime of involvement in social causes and socialist idealism. I was so leftist that when I spoke, communists blushed. But, yesterday, I was essentially rejected as not worth talking to nor listening to since, after all, I am a worthless privileged white male. In their revolutionary thirst for inclusiveness their level of exclusion and rejection seems to have exceeded their lack of logic. Keep in mind that this rant is SATIRE and does not necessarily reflect accurate interpretations nor understanding of the heady issues actually discussed at the event described. |